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See me also at Google Scholar, ORCID, LinkedIn, and Mathematics Genealogy Project. For nonacademic texts, see the Texts page (mostly in Finnish).


3. J. Peltomäki, I. Porres:
Learning test generators for cyber-physical systems (2024), submitted, arXiv

2. J. D. Currie, L. Mol, J. Peltomäki:
The repetition threshold for ternary rich words (2024), submitted, arXiv

1. J. Peltomäki, I. Porres:
Requirement falsification for cyber-physical systems using generative models (2023), submitted, arXiv

Publications in Refereed Journals

16. J. Peltomäki:
Initial nonrepetitive complexity of regular episturmian words and their Diophantine exponents
in European Journal of Combinatorics, Vol. 118, 103942:1-44 (2024), DOI, arXiv

15. J. Peltomäki, V. Salo:
Automatic winning shifts
in Information and Computation, Vol. 285.B, 104883:1-21 (2022), DOI, arXiv

14. A. E. Frid, E. Laborde, J. Peltomäki:
On prefix palindromic length of automatic words
in Theoretical Computer Science, Vol. 891, 13-12 (2021), DOI, arXiv

13. J. Peltomäki, A. Saarela:
Standard words and solutions of the word equation \(X_1^2 \dotsm X_n^2 = (X_1 \dotsm X_n)^2\)
in Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A, Vol. 178, 105340:1-23 (2021), DOI, arXiv

12. J. Peltomäki, M. A. Whiteland:
Avoiding abelian powers cyclically
in Advances in Applied Mathematics, Vol. 121, 102095:1-22 (2020), DOI, arXiv

11. J. Peltomäki:
Abelian periods of factors of Sturmian words
in Journal of Number Theory, Vol. 214, 251-285 (2020), DOI, arXiv

10. J. Peltomäki, M. A. Whiteland:
On \(k\)-abelian equivalence and generalized Lagrange spectra
in Acta Arithmetica, Vol. 194.2, 135-154 (2020), DOI, arXiv

9. J. Peltomäki, M. A. Whiteland:
More on the dynamics of the symbolic square root map
in Theoretical Computer Science, Vol. 806, 10–27 (2020), DOI, arXiv

8. A. Massuir, J. Peltomäki, M. Rigo:
Automatic sequences based on Parry or Bertrand numeration systems
in Advances in Applied Mathematics, Vol. 108, 11-30 (2019), DOI, arXiv

7. J. Peltomäki, V. Salo:
On winning shifts of marked uniform substitutions
in RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications, Vol. 53.1-2, 51-66 (2019), DOI, arXiv

6. J. Peltomäki, M. A. Whiteland:
A square root map on Sturmian words
in The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, Vol. 24.1 #P1.54 (2017), DOI, arXiv

5. G. Fici, A. Langiu, T. Lecroq, A. Lefebvre, F. Mignosi, J. Peltomäki, É. Prieur-Gaston:
Abelian powers and repetitions in Sturmian words
in Theoretical Computer Science, Vol. 635, 16–34 (2016), DOI, arXiv

4. M. Forsyth, A. Jayakumar, J. Peltomäki, J. Shallit:
Remarks on privileged words
in International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science, Vol. 27.4, 431–442 (2016), DOI

3. J. Peltomäki:
Characterization of repetitions in Sturmian words: A new proof
in Information Processing Letters, Vol. 115.11, 886–891 (2015), DOI, arXiv

2. J. Peltomäki:
Privileged factors in the Thue-Morse word – A comparison of privileged words and palindromes
in Discrete Applied Mathematics, Vol. 193, 187–199 (2015), DOI, arXiv

1. J. Peltomäki:
Introducing privileged words: Privileged complexity of Sturmian words
in Theoretical Computer Science, Vol. 500, 57–67 (2013), DOI, arXiv

Publications in Refereed Conference Proceedings

13. T. Khandait et al.:
ARCH-COMP24 Category Report: Falsification
in EPiC Series in Computing, Vol. 103, 122-144 (2024), DOI

12. J. Peltomäki, J. Winsten, M. Methais, I. Porres:
Testing cyber-physical systems with explicit output coverage
in Proceedings of International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation Workshops (ICSTW 2024), 128-136 (2024), DOI

11. J. Winsten, V. Soloviev, J. Peltomäki, I. Porres:
Adaptive test generation for unmanned aerial vehicles using WOGAN-UAV
in Proceedings of the 17th International Workshop on Search-Based and Fuzz Testing (SBFT 2024), 43-44 (2024), DOI

10. C. Menghi et al.:
ARCH-COMP23 Category Report: Falsification
in EPiC Series in Computing, Vol. 96, 151-169 (2023), DOI

9. M. Biagiola, S. Klikovits, J. Peltomäki, V. Riccio:
SBFT tool competition 2023 - Cyber-physical systems track
in Proceedings of the 16th ACM/IEEE International Workshop on Search-Based and Fuzz Testing (SBFT 2023), 45-48 (2023), DOI

8. J. Peltomäki, F. Spencer, I. Porres:
Wasserstein generative adversarial networks for online test generation for cyber physical systems
in Proceedings of ICSE 2022 (2022), DOI, arXiv

7. J. Peltomäki, F. Spencer, I. Porres:
WOGAN at the SBST 2022 CPS tool competition
in Proceedings of 15th International Workshop on Search-Based Software Testing (SBST 2022) (2022), DOI, arXiv

6. J. Peltomäki, I. Porres:
Falsification of multiple requirements for cyber-physical systems using online generative adversarial networks and multi-armed bandits
in Proceedings of International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation Workshops (ICSTW 2022), 21-28 (2022), DOI, arXiv

5. J. Peltomäki, M. A. Whiteland:
All growth rates of abelian exponents are attained by infinite binary words
in Proceedings of MFCS 2020, Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs), Vol. 170, 79:1-79:10 (2020), DOI

4. J. Peltomäki, M. A. Whiteland:
Every nonnegative real number is an abelian critical exponent
in Proceedings of WORDS 2019, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 11682, 275-285 (2019), DOI, arXiv

3. J. Peltomäki, M. A. Whiteland:
More on the dynamics of the symbolic square root map
in Proceedings of WORDS 2017, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 10432, 97–108 (2017), DOI

2. J. Peltomäki, V. Salo:
On winning shifts of generalized Thue-Morse substitutions
in Proceedings of RuFiDiM 2017, TUCS Lecture Notes, 123-132 (2017), URL

1. J. Peltomäki, M. A. Whiteland:
A square root map on Sturmian Words (Extended abstract)
in Proceedings of WORDS 2015, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 9304, 197–209 (2015), DOI
